Paul Simon

Simon & Garfunkel - Punky's Dilemma (Monterey Pop Fest, 1967)

stillgreat 2007. 8. 10. 16:47


Simon & Garfunkel - Punky's Dilemma

Monterey Pop Festival

June 16, 1967


Monterey Pop Festival DVD에 이곡이 실리지 않은 것은 정말 아쉽습니다. :-(

그리고,, 저 그림에 영어 스펠링이 틀렸네요.. 죄송..

Wish I was a Kellogg's Cornflake
Floatin' in my bowl takin' movies,
Relaxin' awhile, livin' in style,
Talkin' to a raisin who 'casion'ly plays L.A.,
Casually glancing at his toupee.

Wish I was an English muffin
'Bout to make the most out of a toaster.

I'd ease myself down,
Comin' up brown.

I prefer boysenberry
More than any ordinary jam.
I'm a "Citizens for Boysenberry Jam" fan.

Ah, South California.

If I become a first lieutenant
Would you put my photo on your piano?
To Maryjane--
Best wishes, Martin.
(Old Roger draft-dodger
Leavin' by the basement door),
Everybody knows what he's
Tippy-toeing down there for


Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends (1968)



1. Bookends Theme
2. Save The Life Of My Child
3. America
4. Overs 
5. Voices Of Old People
6. Old Friends
7. Bookends Theme
8. Fakin' It
9. Punky's Dilemma
10. Mrs. Robinson
11. A Hazy Shade Of Winter
12. At The Zoo
13. You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies *
14. Old Friends (demo)

* included in expanded version