Paul Simon

Simon & Garfunkel - Benedictus (Monterey Pop Fest, 1967)

stillgreat 2007. 8. 10. 16:45


Simon & Garfunkel - Benedictus

Monterey Pop Festival

June 16, 1967


Benedictus qui venit
In nomine Domini
In nomine
In nomine
In nomine Domini
In nomine Domini
In nomine
In nomine
In nomine Domini


Simon & Garfunkel - Wednesday Morning 3 AM



1. You Can Tell The World
2. Last night I Had The Strongest Dream
3. Bleecker Street
4. Sparrow
5. Benedictus
6. The Sound Of Silence
7. He Was My Brother
8. Peggy-O
9. Go Tell It on The Mountain
10. The Sun Is Burning
11. The Times They Are A-Changin' 
12. Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. 
13. Bleecker Street*
14. He Was My Brother*
15. The Sun Is Burning*

* included in expanded version


7곡을 부르는데 Benedictus가 포함된 것은 사실 좀 의외이긴 합니다. Paul과 Art 둘중 누군가 좋아하는 곡이겠지요. :-)

"Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini" 는

"Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord" (축복받은자 주님의 이름으로 올지니..)

라는 뜻으로 가톨릭 성가의 구절이랍니다.