Grateful Dead - Lazy River Road (Dean Martin Center, 1993)
Dean Smith Center
Chapel Hill, NC
March 25, 1993
Way down upon Sycamore Slough
a white man sings the blues
selling roses of paper mach with flecks of starlight dew
I swiped a bunch and threw it your way
where hazy moonlight glowed
Way down
down along
Lazy River Road
Way down upon Shadowfall Ward
End of the avenue
Run, hide, seek in your own backyard
Mama's backyard won't do
All night long I sang Love's Sweet Song
down where the water flowed
Way down
down along
Lazy River Road
Moonlight wails as hound dogs bay
but never quite catch the tune
Stars fall down in buckets like rain
till there ain't no standin' room
Bright blue boxcars train by train
clatter while dreams unfold
Way down
down along
Lazy River Road
Way down upon Seminole Square
belly of the river tide
call for me and I will be there
for the price of the taxi ride
Night time double-clutches into today
like a truck downshifting its load
Way down
down along
Lazy River Road
Thread the needle
right through the eye
The thread that runs so true
All the others I let pass by
I only wanted you
Never cared for careless love
but how your bright eyes glowed
Way down
down along
Lazy River Road
언제 만들어졌는지는 모르지만, Garcia/Hunter곡으로 정규앨범에 실린적은 없습니다. Compilation 앨범인 So Many Roads (1999)에 Feb 18, 1993년 녹음된 Rehearsal 버전이 실려있습니다. 공연에서 첫 연주가 이루어진 것은 1993년 2월 21일 Oakland Coliseum Arena에서 이고 그 이후 1993-1995년에 걸쳐 연주가 되었습니다. Jerry Garcia의 보컬에 매우 잘 어울리는 곡인 것 같습니다.
이곡은 정식 릴리즈된 DVD에서도 찾아볼수 없는 것으로 알고 있습니다. 여기의 영상은 Audience Recording 입니다. 첫부분이 깜깜하지만 곧 꽤 좋은 영상을 보실수 있습니다. Audio는 Soundboard 음원이라 매우 좋은 편...