Grateful Dead

Grateful Dead - Beat On Down The Line (Beat Club, 1972)

stillgreat 2007. 8. 24. 19:52

Grateful Dead - Beat on Down The Line

Beat Club (German Broadcast)

May, 1972


Well this job I've got is just a little too hard,
Running out of money, Lord, I need more pay.
Gonna wake up in the morning Lord, gonna pack my bags,
I'm gonna beat it on down the line.

I'm goin' down the line, goin down the line,
Goin' down the line, goin down the line,
Goin' down the line, goin down the line,
Beat it on down the line.

Yes I'll be waiting at the station Lord, when that train pulls on by,
I'm going back where I belong.
I'm going back to that same old used-to-be,
Down in Joe Brown's coal mine.

Coal mine, coal mine, coal mine, coal mine.
Coal mine, coal mine, coal mine, coal mine.
Coal mine, coal mine, coal mine, coal mine.
Down in Joe Brown's coal mine.

Yeah, I'm goin' back to that shack way across that railroad track,
Uh huh, that's where I think I belong.
Got a sweet woman, Lord, and she's waiting there for me
And that's where I'm gonna make my happy home.

Happy home, happy home, happy home, happy home.
Happy home, happy home, happy home, happy home.
Happy home, happy home, happy home, happy home.
That's where I'm gonna make my happy home.


Sanfrancisco Bay Blues를 작곡한 Jesse Fuller가 만든 노래입니다. Pre-Grateful Dead 시절인 Mother McCrees Uptown Jug Champions 때 부터 불렀던 노래로서 Grateful Dead의 첫 앨범 The Gratefule Dead (1967)에 실려있습니다.


Grateful Dead - The Grateful Dead (1967)

Grateful Dead

The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion) (McGannahan Skjellyfetti)
Beat It on Down The Line (Jesse Fuller)
Good Morning, Little School Girl (H.G. Demarais)
Cold Rain And Snow (McGannahan Skjellyfetti)
Sittin' on Top Of The World (Jacobs/Carter)
Cream Puff War (Jerry Garcia)
Morning Dew (Dobson/Rose)
New, New Minglewood Blues (McGannahan Skjellyfetti)
Viola Lee Blues (Noah Lewis)
Bonus tracks on 2003 expanded CD release;
Alice D. Millionaire (Garcia/Kreutzmann/Lesh/McKernan/Weir) *
Overseas Stomp (Lindbergh Hop or The Lindy Hop) (Jones/Shade) *
Tastebud (McKernan) *
Death Don't Have No Mercy (Edited studio take) (Davis) *
Viola Lee Blues (Edited version) (Noah Lewis) *
Viola Lee Blues (Live) (Noah Lewis) *


* included in expanded vesion released in 2003