The Band - Long Black Veil (Japan Tour, 1983)
Ten years ago on a cool dark night
There was someone killed 'neath the town hall light
There were few at the scene and they all did agree
That the man who ran looked a lot like me
The judge said "Son, what is your alibi?
If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die"
I spoke not a word although it meant my life
I had been in the arms of my best friend's wife
She walks these hills in a long black veil
She visits my grave where the night winds wail
Nobody knows, no, and nobody sees
Nobody knows but me
The scaffold was high and eternity neared
She stood in the crowd and shed not a tear
But sometimes at night when the cold wind moans
In a long black veil she cries over my bones
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작곡가이자 가수인 Danny Dill이 Marijohn Wilkin과 함께 만들었고 1959년 Lefty Frizzell 이란 뮤지션에 의해 처음 녹음 되었던 노래입니다 (들어보진 못했습니다). 그 이후 많은 뮤지션들이 불렀던 노래이지요. Johnny Cash, The Band, The Byrds, Joan Baez, Dave Matthews Band, Jerry Garcia, Gillian Welch 등등.... The Band의 경우엔 Music From Big Pink (1968)에 실렸었습니다.