Paul Simon

Paul Simon - Soft Parachute (One Trick Pony Movie, 1980)

stillgreat 2007. 6. 1. 00:20


Paul Simon - one Trick Pony

from the Movie one Trick Pony"


Paul Simon이 주연을 맡았던 영화 one Trick Pony를 위해서 만들어졌던 노래입니다. Paul Simon의 앨범 one Trick Pony (1980)에는 첨에 실리지 않았다가 2004년 발매되었던 Extended Version에 보너스 트랙으로 실렸습니다.


Soft parachute, Fourth of July

And villages burning

Returning the bodied all laid in a line

Like soft parachute


Last year I was a senior

In Emmerson High School

I had me a girlfriend

We used to get high

And now I am flying

Down some Viet Nam highway

Don't ask me the reason

God only knows why


Soft parachute, Fourth of July

And villages burning

Returning the bodied all laid in a line

Like soft parachute