Bob Dylan - Positively 4th Street (Rich Stadium, 1986)
Bob Dylan w Tom Petty & Heart Breakers
Rich Stadium, Buffalo, NY
July 4, 1986
You got a lotta nerve
To say you are my friend
When I was down
You just stood there grinning
You got a lotta nerve
To say you got a helping hand to lend
You just want to be on
The side that's winning
You say I let you down
You know it's not like that
If you're so hurt
Why then don't you show it
You say you lost your faith
But that's not where it's at
You had no faith to lose
And you know it
I know the reason
That you talk behind my back
I used to be among the crowd
You're in with
Do you take me for such a fool
To think I'd make contact
With the one who tries to hide
What he don't know to begin with
You see me on the street
You always act surprised
You say, "How are you?" "Good luck"
But you don't mean it
When you know as well as me
You'd rather see me paralyzed
Why don't you just come out once
And scream it
No, I do not feel that good
When I see the heartbreaks you embrace
If I was a master thief
Perhaps I'd rob them
And now I know you're dissatisfied
With your position and your place
Don't you understand
It's not my problem
I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment
I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is
To see you
1965년 Highway 61 Revisted (1965) 앨범작업시 녹음된 곡입니다. Highway 61 Revisted 음반에 "Black Dalli Rue"란 제목으로 포함될 뻔하다가... Single로 발매가 되었습니다. 당시 미국과 영국에서 동시에 Top 10에 진입했었구요. 앨범으로는 나중에 Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (1967) 앨범에 포함되었습니다.
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