Joan Baez

Joan Baez - Sweet Sir Galahad - Smothers Brothers, 1969

stillgreat 2007. 4. 11. 23:45


이 노래는 Joan Baez가 만든 노래입니다. 1969년 Woodstock Festival에서 처음 공연하였고 그후 그녀의 앨범인 one Day At A Time (1970)에 실렸습니다. 그녀의 여동생인 Mimi Farina에 대한 이야기를 담고 있습니다. Sweet Sir Galahad는 Mimi Farina의 두번째 남편인 Milan Melvin을 이야기 합니다.


Sweet Sir Galahad
came in through the window
in the night when
the moon was in the yard.
He took her hand in his
and shook the long hair
from his neck and he told her
she'd been working much too hard.
It was true that ever since the day
her crazy man had passed away
to the land of poet's pride,
she laughed and talked alot
with new people on the block
but always at evening time she cried.

And here's to the dawn of their days.

She moved her head
a little down on the bed
until it rested softly on his knee.
And there she dropped her smile
and there she sighed awhile,
and told him all the sadness
of those years that numbered three.
Well you know I think my fate's belated
because of all the hours I waited
for the day when I'd no longer cry.
I get myself to work by eight
but oh, was I born too late,
and do you think I'll fail
at every single thing I try?

And here's to the dawn of their days.

He just put his arm around her
and that's the way I found her
eight months later to the day.
The lines of a smile erased
the tear tracks upon her face,
a smile could linger, even stay.
Sweet Sir Galahad went down
with his gay bride of flowers,
the prince of the hours
of her lifetime.

And here's to the dawn
of their days,
of their days.