Central Park, NY
Sep 19, 1981
I was reading a magazine
And thinking of a rock and roll song
The year was nineteen fiftyfour
And I hadnt been playing that long
When a man came on the radio
And this is what he said
He said I hate to break it to his fans
But johnny ace is dead, yeah, yeah, yeah
Well, I really wasnt
Such a johnny ace fan
But I felt bad ali the same
So I sent away for his photograph
And I waited till it came
It came all the way from texas
With a sad and sim-ple face
And they signed it on the bottom
From the late great johnny ace, yeah, yeah, yeah
It was the year of the beatles
It was the year of the stones
It was nineteen sixtyfour
I was living in london
With the girl from the summer be-fore
It was the year of the beatles
It was the year of the stones
A year after j.f.k.
We were staying up all night
And giving the days away
And the music was flowing amazing
And blowing my way
On a cold december evening
I was walking through the christmas tide
When a stranger came up and asked me
If Id heard john lennon had died
And the two of us went to this bar
And we stayed to close the place
And every song we played
Was for the late great johnny ace, yeah, yeah, yeah
Johnny Ace는 유명한 Rhythm & Blues 뮤지션이라고 합니다. 러시안 룰렛게임을 하다가 죽었다고 하는.. 이곡의 마지막즈음에서 한 관중이 무대위로 뛰어 올라와서 노래하는 Paul Simon이 깜짝놀라 잠시 노랠 멈춘 일화는 꽤 유명하지요. 그것 때문인지는 모르지만 이 곡은 Central Park Live CD에서는 빠졌었습니다. DVD로 출시가 되면서 이곡이 포함되어 그 장면을 다시 볼수 있습니다. 그사람은 곧 경비에게 잡혀서 끌려가 체포되었다고 합니다. :-) 가사중에 존 레넌의 죽음을 언급하는데, 아마도 그것 때문일거라는 설이 유력합니다. 이 곡은 이 Central Park 공연에서 처음 연주되었고 나중 Hearts and Bones (1983)에 스튜디오 버전이 실렸습니다.
Simon & Garfunkel - The Concert In Central Park (DVD)
이 DVD는 특이하게도 한국에서 먼저 발매가 되었습니다 (왼쪽). 정확히 언제인지는 기억이 잘 나지 않습니다만, 두장짜리 DVD로 나왔었지요. DTS 4.1, 5.1, DD 5.1, DD 2 Channel 등 여러가지 Audio Track을 선택할 수 있도록 되어있습니다. 화질은 좀 불만스럽구요.. 그 이후에 미국에서 발매가 되었는데,,, 그건 어떤지 잘 모르겠습니다.
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