Tower Theater, Philadelphia
Oct 24, 2006
Couple in the next room
bound to win a prize:
they've been going at it all night long!
Well, I'm tryin' to get some sleep
but these motel walls are cheap:
Lincoln Duncan is my name,
and here's my song, here's my song.
My father was a fisherman,
my mama was a fisherman's friend,
and I was born in the boredom and the chowder.
So when I reached my prime
I left my home in the Maritimes,
headed down the turnpike for New England, sweet New England.
Holes in my confidence,
holes in the knees of my jeans,
I was left without a penny in my pocket ....
Oo-oowee, I was about as destituted as a kid could be
and I wished I wore a ring so I could hock it ...
I'd like to hock it
A young girl in a parkin' lot
was preaching to a crowd,
singing sacred songs
and reading from the Bible.
Well, I told her I was lost
and she told all about the Pentecost,
and I seen that girl as the road to my survival,
my survival.
Just later on
the very same night
when I crept to her tent with a flashlight
and my long years of innocence ended:
well, she took me to the woods,
sayin' "Here comes something, and it feels so good!",
and just like a dog I was befriended, I was befriended.
Oh, oh, what a night,
oh, what a garden of delight ...
Even now that sweet memory lingers:
I was playing my guitar
lyin' underneath the stars
just thankin' the Lord
for my fingers,
for my fingers ...
Paul Simon의 Duncan입니다. 폴 사이먼의 첫번째 솔로 앨범인 Paul Simon (1970)에 실렸던 곡이지요. The Boxer나 Sound Of Silence 등에 비하면 상당히 라이브 버전을 들어보기 힘듭니다. Live Rhymin' (1974) 앨범에 아주 멋진 라이브가 실려있고 The Paul Simon Collection: on My Way, Don't Know Where I'm Goin' (2002) 앨범의 보너스 디스크에 또 하나의 라이브가 실려있습니다. 그리곤 Central Park 공연을 포함한 주요 공연에서 부르질 않았기 때문에 찾아보기 어려운 곡입니다. 그런데 어쩐일인지 2006년 Surprise 투어에서 이 Duncan을 불렀습니다. 여러 공연이 Audience에 의해 녹음이 되었는데 이 Philadelphia 공연은 FM으로 녹음이 되어서 가장 음질이 좋습니다. 오랜만에 부르는 Duncan.... 듣기 좋습니다. :-) 이 음원은 FM 음원 + Audience Recording을 Mix한 음원입니다.
Paul Simon - Paul Simon (1972)
1. Mother And Child Reunion
2. Duncan
3. Everything Put Together Falls Apart
4. Run That Body Down
5. Armistice Day
6. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard
7. Peace Like A River
8. Papa Hobo
9. Hobo's Blues
10. Paranoia Blues
11. Congratulations
12. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard *
13. Duncan *
14. Paranoia Blues *
* included in expanded version released in 2004
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